2901//FREELANCER [.plan]

working on the internal art making room, got a good idea for the samplizer

bleh fuck the government

b81// upgraded mv3d to new version

b80// black lives matter fuck the police

edited 2901 pc to have notes page direct to this page <3
changed sign outside building

worked more on the tileset/expanded the tileset test zone
added cybercity2901## test area
extra fooled with cybercity2901## test area

working on a new tileset for 3D/corpohaus, you can look at it by going inside the extremely extremely secret 3D zone, located inside the weird room in the wierdozone
trying out little messages on home entry/district entry, added the home one to try it out
added some weird test grid for the corphaus zone into the weirdozone weird room. yeah idk

b78// lets gooo
i might have fixed the guard shift. lemme see ----   yeeeeep yay it works, did it! guard duty is in!

added a hint guy to agricen square if you have karma, to inform about the little woods

guard shift multiple hour still not working i'm gonna look at it some more.
made the radio station only enterable if you have some community friendship .. for mysterrryyyy
added some sfx for a couple of things, enjoy : )
.. i think a bug in the 3D plugin turned the shadows into blocks so i disabled them :|

** ? should there be a separate search in the closet for tools?
added more trans flags to 3d world
added equalist compound guard shift! lets see how it goes! gain a little bit of community goodwill to get invited to serve shifts! look in the compound near the fence area and try serving variable hours 1-9

just kinda messing around with 3d instead of working on whatever.
fixed a select game screen slowdown

bumped minor version up to v4
goofed around more with 3D mode
added a test driving mode, and location : thewasteland [to drive around in]

adding 3D glasses to admin shop
added a weird little TESTWORLD to mess with 3D

**thoughts: i could probably have 2901// run in a frame and just upload that to itch?

start screen dialog changed a little : )
random tidying of big board, and etc dialog boxes
playing around with odd sized dialog boxes
3D glasses now override 3D mode disabling, for testing and goofing around.. so theres an admin item loaded onto testbod/debug player that will enable you to play the game in 3D mode. weird

added a 3D MODE
created 3D glasses and TRANSNAV_SUPER items
moved the boxes of admin test gear upstairs into the chill oot room upstairs
integrated the mv3d plugin, but disabled it : )
added 'Good-Ass Cookie Liker' to shipdist streets (at night)

fixed zen shrine issue

++ added custom skins to UI in options menu. there are 19
+added large message window functionality
added cool jokes avatar to weirddo zone to test above
added debug andro to player livingroom to test above

added some descriptions around housing district
changed around 2901_mirror stat display

i might want to cut the starting food down in normal mode

fully connected learning bonuses to scav/const/combat
nerfing learning_learnpercent from rand(10-20) to rand(1-10)

added a morning moodlet report for positive and negative mood impacts to the debug mode

pretty sure i just fixed the alarm wakeup/time sync issue, and think i fixed the 'time since etc' hours not being updated to include morning hours, but its still kinda caveman and i dont like it how it is. but im getting tired so

arg its way later but i think i fixed it all and also fixed the alarm too? hopefully

couch good to go? in debug mode

no, its totally busted. welp

?? fixed it ya   y   ?

[edit] yes, i did spend a night being unable to sleep while fixing a core issue related to the game time

removed nightly events when bedtime is close to midnight
added debug message on joy bump
added debug and DEBUG to list of names to start as debug character 'testbod'
player now gets a joy bump for having a killpower of 6
changed around the sequence of morning a little to finally shift some stuff to TIME_MIDNIGHT_NEWDAY



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